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Showing posts from 2018

There are always answers

Always answers 5/17/18 So, in therapy yesterday I had a revelation of sorts. There are always answers. For what I do, what I see, and what I question in life, there are always answers. Now, this may not be the case in everything in life. There are many questions that people are asking for which there is no answer, at least as of yet. These topics are lately around black holes, and deep space topics, and they are not what I mean when I say, “There are always answers.” I am referring to those things we deal with on more of a daily basis. Life as we know it. There is always an answer. Sure, sometimes that answer might change as new learning comes out. At one point in history, the answer was that the sun revolved around the earth. But there was an answer. In my profession, in the medical field, there is always an answer. If you have an infection ‘Y’, we know that drug(s) ‘A-C’ will work, and depending on other possible factors, we have a few options to treat you. Sometimes,...

Changes to the stories, Joseph's leg surgery in 1813

OK, in the church, we all grew up on this story of young Joseph Smith and his leg surgery. The narrative went that he needed leg surgery, but refused alcohol to help numb the pain the surgery would cause. Surgery at this time was VERY rudimentary, and killed people in its own right. Working as I do now, I wondered if alcohol was the only thing they had back then. 1800- Anesthetic properties of nitrous oxide first published 1804- Japanese doctor creates “Tsusen-san”, and oral concoction used to induce general anesthesia. The combination was an over-dosage of several alkaloids, including scopolamine, atropine, aconitine and angelicotoxin. When combined, these ingredients induce hypnosis, analgesia, muscle weakness and lack of recall. 1805- Morphine discovered and isolated from opium 1819- Squibb Pharmaceutical founded and produced ether, chloroform (first produced in 1829), and cocaine for use as anesthetics 1842- Surgery with ether for anesthesia (had been used on animal...

23 Solid things found within the LDS church that pushed me to non-belief

Things about the LDS church that I can no longer believe. 1/23/18 So this list is not exclusive by any means. But here are 23 things that either happened within the church, were taught by the church, or found within the church that have solidified my mind that the LDS church is in no way the lords church on the earth. The list originally came from 40 Years a Mormon , from there I gave some more context and sources. That God would send an angel with a drawn sword to threaten a 37 yr old man (Joseph Smith) to threaten a 14 yr old girl (Zina Diantha Huntington Jacobs) with his death if she didn't marry him, and promise heaven to her whole family if she did.  Zina later wrote, that within months of her marriage to Henry, “[Joseph] sent word to me by my brother, saying, ‘Tell Zina, I put it off and put it off till an angel with a drawn sword stood by me and told me if I did not establish that principle upon the earth I would lose my...